Musical Director

Master Director Heather Johnston

About our Front Line Director

Heather Johnston - Master Director

Heather has been a Sweet Adeline since 1986. A co-worker invited her to attend a local choruses annual show. Having been very musical all her life, she was anxious to learn more about barbershop harmony and attended the guest night they had the following week. She was hooked the first night and quickly became part of both the music team and administrative leadership. Heather transferred to the Crosstown Harmony chorus in 1995 and continued to perfect her skills in the musical leadership of the chorus. Heather was blessed with the opportunity to become the front line director of the Fox Valley Chorus in January of 2005. Heather has achieved the status of Master Director within the Sweet Adelines International Director Certification Program. Heather has sung in several quartets and has won Regional quartet championships as the baritone in Outrageous and NRG! Heather provides personal vocal instruction in addition to coaching quartets and choruses. Heather resides in Milwaukee, WI, where she was born and raised. She shares her home with her feline friends. To help support this wonderfully addictive hobby, Heather is employed as a Sales Support Specialist and Office Manager for Lachat Instruments, a Hach Company Brand. She is an avid reader although lately she doesn’t find much time for it. When the Wisconsin weather allows, she tries to find time for golf.


Assistant Director

Fox Valley's Assistant Director is Sheila Koplitz.

This energetic lady takes the Fox Valley Chorus through warm-ups each week and takes the Sheila Head Shot web sizedhelm for many show songs and church singouts. Sheila has been a member of Sweet Adelines since 1977 and her enthusiasm and knowledge of barbershop helps bring vitality to the group. She’s always encouraging others to ‘find the music within’.  She began her barbershop life with the Green Bay Chapter, where she accepted the assistant director position and subsequently the directorship for 12 years. Reaching the level of Certified Director. She also sang with the successful quartet, “Encore Four” during nine of those years.   She retired June of 2006 having taught for 34 years in the Green Bay school system. She was honored  by the Sweet Adelines organization, with the MENC award given to her at the International Convention in Calgary Alberta, Canada in 2007.  Sheila has attended many directors’ seminars and regional schools offered by Sweet Adelines. She has taught classes on directing vocal warm-ups and has served as Regional Quartet Coordinator, Young Women in Harmony Coordinator and was Director Coordinator on the Region 22 and Region 6.


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